
Saturday 16 May 2015

7 Foods to Which Your Kids Will Never Say No

Let’s face it: However hard you try to keep your child away from the not-so-noble foods, you can’t succeed. The junk chunks will always map their way to your child’s mouth. Although we are no chefs, this gives us parents all the warnings in the world to do something innovative in our kitchens. Surprisingly for most of us, there are a lot of foods besides the not-so-popular-among-kids green vegetables and fruits which you can serve them. And booyah, they ask for me! So here’s a list of the must 7s which ought to be in your kitchen.

Eggs: They offer a storehouse of protein and vitamin D and can seriously be called nutritional shells. They also help children digest calcium and are apt for breakfasts as they keep kids satiated for longer periods.

Blueberries: The fruit has been called the healthiest among its class, protecting against heart diseases and diabetes. It helps improve the brain function of children and help with obesity by reducing the toxic belly fat. Loaded with sweetness and taste, the nutritious fruit is easy to be included in your kid’s diet. Serve it sprinkled over shakes or toss it into a bowl of oats and milk. You can also serve frozen yogurt with whirred up blueberries.

Greek Yogurt: This calcium-rich food is the secret to happy stomachs for kids. A low fat or Greek yogurt has way more protein and less sugar as compared to the regular one. It can be served with a few drops of honey or maple syrup.

Tofu: It is a great food for young girls, having a protective impact on their growing bodies and breast tissues. It contains vitamin B, protein, calcium and iron – all essentials for kid’s right growth. Serve it as a creamy base in smoothies and desserts.

Salmon: This low-leveled mercury pink fish is an excellent source of protein and Omega-3 fatty acids which boost growth, brain and heart health. It is easier to serve owing to its natural flavor.

Chocolate: Surprisingly for most parents, chocolate (particularly dark) increases brain chemicals which boost the child’s ability to concentrate and stay alert. It is also a good source of antioxidants.

Sweet Potato: This food is one of the most nutritious and inexpensive sources of vitamin A for kids, along with being a good antioxidant. Owing to its natural sweetness, it is easy to serve, baked or mashed.

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