
Monday 10 August 2015

Color therapy: Balancing the wheels of our life - Part-II

Healing through colors (chromotherapy) is all about the right balance. Administering the colors which someone has in excess or which someone lacks is the key. This follows an application of the appropriate color on the body to stimulate the corresponding chakra. In this blog, I aim to throw some light on the significance and effect of the seven colors of the VIBGYOR.

Red: Red is the color of warmth and energy. It heals fatigue, cold and heightens a low blood pressure. It is the color of stimulation which prompts the root chakra which is at the base of the spine.

 It boosts adrenalin production, multiplies hemoglobin, opens up clogs and releases stiffness. It energizes all the organs and stimulates menstruation. Not recommended for cancer patients as it will stimulate cell growth.

Orange: A color which symbolizes warmth and independence. Orange relieves repression and has a freeing impact on the body. 

It encourages creative thinking and leads to newer possibilities. Connected with sacral chakra, it stimulates respiration, digestion and boosts the activity of thyroid. It also reduces muscle cramps and spasms.

Yellow: Yellow is the color of sun, hence represents life-force. It strengthens the nerves and awakens mental inspiration. It soothes the shooting pain in nerves and energizes the muscles.

 It helps with digestion, liver, intestines, cleansing of skin pores and aids scarred tissues. It also aids with psychic-related conditions and cheers up depression.

Green: The color of nature, green can heal almost everything. It stimulates psychological and emotional harmony. Linked with the heart chakra, it affects conditions of the heart. 

It helps with hormonal imbalances, harmonizes digestion, stomach, liver, kidney function, betters immunity, builds up muscles, bones and strengthens nervous system. It counteracts greed and jealousy.

Blue: Blue is the color of cooling and is electric. It cools down anger, aggression and hysteria. It betters inflammations, fever, blood pressure, headaches and is anti-itching and anti irritation

The color blue is linked with the throat chakra and so helps with speech related problems and helps with communication, laryngitis and inflammation of larynx.

Indigo: It helps in dealing with problems associated with the eyes and ears. It purifies the blood stream. It is linked to the brow chakra and controls the pineal gland.

Violet: Violet is the color of transformation. It helps in healing melancholy and alcohol addiction. It stimulates the spleen, detoxifies the body, brings spiritual renewal, boosts immunity, brings better sleep, destresses and reduces pain. It is believed to boost the power of meditation ten-fold.  


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